2. Value-based Care: How ASCs Can Best Prepare for the Shifting Landscape
Date & Time
Friday, November 1, 2024, 8:45 AM - 9:25 AM
Vishal Mehta, MD, President and Managing Partner, Fox Valley Orthopaedic Institute
Michael Patterson, FACHE, CEO, Mississippi Valley Surgery Center
Jeffrey Flynn, CASC, President, New York State Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers; Administrator and Chief Operating Officer, Gramercy Surgery Center
Michael Patterson, FACHE, CEO, Mississippi Valley Surgery Center
Jeffrey Flynn, CASC, President, New York State Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers; Administrator and Chief Operating Officer, Gramercy Surgery Center

Location Name
Grand I (East Tower - Ballroom Level)
Session Type
Semi-Keynote Panel
Moderated by
Mackenzie Bean, Managing Editor, Becker's Healthcare