5. Small Fish, Big Pond: Preserving Autonomy in Large Markets
Date & Time
Friday, October 17, 2025, 9:45 AM - 10:25 AM
Shahreyar Shar Hashemi, President and Chief Executive Officer, DCHUX
Stan Plavin, President and Owner, Technical Anesthesia Strategies and Solutions; Owner, Oral Surgery Anesthesia Associates; Physician and Owner, Ambulatory Anesthesia Partners
Niazy Selim, Surgeon, Selim Surgery Center
Brian J. Cole, Professor, Acting Chair and Managing Partner, Orthopaedics Department and Midwest Orthopaedics, Rush
Stan Plavin, President and Owner, Technical Anesthesia Strategies and Solutions; Owner, Oral Surgery Anesthesia Associates; Physician and Owner, Ambulatory Anesthesia Partners
Niazy Selim, Surgeon, Selim Surgery Center
Brian J. Cole, Professor, Acting Chair and Managing Partner, Orthopaedics Department and Midwest Orthopaedics, Rush

Session Type