How hospital finance leaders are fueling improvements with intelligent technology
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Jason Warrelmann Adrienne Moore Sharon Kelley Luke Rockenbach Mary Beth Remorenko William Pelino

The stakes are high for revenue cycle teams as hospitals strive to gain better financial footing and more organizations embrace value-based care models. As a result, most healthcare financial leaders are applying technology to key processes in hopes of improving medical billing, compliance and ensuring optimal compensation for services.

Join this interactive panel discussion with finance leaders from leading hospitals. These leaders will share their organizations' top priorities for revenue integrity and how they're leveraging tools like artificial intelligence and automation.

You'll learn:

- Hospitals' current initiatives to improve revenue integrity and how they're measuring impact
- Use cases for tech in streamlining coding, documentation, claims submission and denial management
- Strategies for hospitals navigating low reimbursements, and where payer contracts come into play

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