The Nursing Workforce: Strategies to Win Talent and Maximize Engagement
Date & Time
Monday, April 8, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:10 AM
Catherine Shull Fernald, DNP, RN, RNC-OB, NEA-BC, FACHE, Chief Nursing Officer, Acute Care, ChristianaCare
Gail Vozzella, Chief Nurse Executive, Houston Methodist Hospital
Caitlin Stella, Chief Executive Officer, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
Gail Vozzella, Chief Nurse Executive, Houston Methodist Hospital
Caitlin Stella, Chief Executive Officer, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital

Location Name
CNO + Clinical Leadership Stage (East Tower, Riverside Exhibit Hall)
Session Type
Moderated by
Erica Carbajal, Editor, Becker's Healthcare