Event Speakers

Michael Backus
President and Chief Executive Officer
Oswego Health

David Berger
Chief Executive Officer
University Hospital at Downstate

Alden Bishop
Chief Operating Officer
MultiCare Tacoma General and Allenmore Hospital

Steve Davis
President and Chief Executive Officer
Cincinnati Children's

David​​​​ Dunkle
President and Chief Executive Officer
Johnson Memorial Health

Michele Forgues Lackie
Chief Financial Officer
UW Medicine Valley Medical Center

Shai Gavi
Chief Medical Officer
Atlantic Medical Group, Atlantic Health System

Wayne Gillis
President and Chief Executive Officer
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services

Mark Gridley
President and Chief Executive Officer
FHN Memorial Hospital

Matthew Love
President and Chief Executive Officer
Nicklaus Children's Health System

David Lubarsky
President and Chief Executive Officer
Westchester Medical Center Health Network

Suja Mathew
Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer
Atlantic Health System

Holly McCormack
President and Chief Executive Officer
Cottage Hospital

Shelby Medina
Chief Executive Officer
Windom Area Health

Andy Mueller
Chief Executive Officer

Nancy Nankivil
Director of Organizational Well-being
American Medical Association

Mike Poore
Chief Executive Officer
Mosaic Life Care

Frederic Ransom
Chief Executive Officer
Missouri Health Care

Laila Rashidi
Director of Surgical Oncology
MultiCare Health System

Matthew Scherer
Chief Financial Officer

Thomas Siemers
Chief Executive Officer
Wilbarger General Hospital

Shondra Williams
Chief Executive Officer