Event Speakers

Michelle Beidelschies
Michelle Beidelschies
Director of Medical Affairs, Multi-Cancer Early Detection
Exact Sciences
Philip Betbeze
Philip Betbeze
Senior Advisor
Lovell Communications
Abhinav Chandra
Abhinav Chandra
Executive Director, Medical
Yuma Regional Medical Center
Yuman Fong
Yuman Fong
Sangiacomo Chair in Surgical Oncology; Chair and Professor, Department of Surgery; Professor of Experimental Therapeutics; Director, International Medicine
City of Hope
Andreas Kaiser
Andreas Kaiser
Clinical Professor of Surgery; Chief, Division of Colorectal Surgery
City of Hope
Mike Koroscik
Mike Koroscik
System Vice President
Main Line Health Cancer Care
Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla
Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla
Enterprise Chair, Research, Capital Health
Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Massive Bio
Laura Matthews
Laura Matthews
Vice President and Administrator
Inova Schar Cancer, Inova Health System
Mishellene McKinney
Mishellene McKinney
Vice President, National Cancer Care Services
Kaiser Permanente
Laleh Melstrom
Laleh Melstrom
Associate Professor of Surgery and Immuno-Oncology; Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology; Co-Lead Gastrointestinal Disease Team
City of Hope
Ruben Mesa
Ruben Mesa
President & Executive Director, Enterprise Cancer Service Line
Wake Forest Baptist Health
Mustafa Raoof
Mustafa Raoof
Assistant Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology
City of Hope
David Rizzieri
David Rizzieri
Novant Health
Tina Sowers
Tina Sowers
Administrator, Oncology Service Line
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
Aaron Spalding
Aaron Spalding
Executive Medical Director
Norton Cancer Center