Linda Anegawa | Chief Medical Officer | Noom | Re-training the Brain: Why Lowering GLP-1 Costs Hinges on an Effective Lifestyle Program
Meera Atkins | Vice President, Medical Management | BCBS Minnesota | The Future of Telehealth, Virtual Care for Health Plans
Michael Bagel | Associate Vice President, Public Policy | Alliance of Community Health Plans | Keeping up with Medicare Advantage Policies and Regulations Regulatory and Policy Issues for Health Plan Executives
Michael Barbati | Vice President, Government Programs | Advocate Health | Designing Effective Value-Based Payment Models for Health Plans
Susan Beaton | Vice President, Health Plan Strategy | Wellframe | Health Plan Innovation Curve: How to Stay Ahead
Lila Benayoun | Chief Operating Officer | MetroPlusHealth | Medicaid Redeterminations One Year Later: The Impact and What's Next
Scott Bender | Executive Director, Clinical Operations Support | Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Texas | The Growing Need for Virtual Psychiatric Urgent Care: Enabling Optimal Patient Outcomes through Payer-Provider Partnerships
Peter Boumenot | Chief Product Officer | Kyruus Health | Beyond Compliance: What's Next for Transparency & Member Engagement
Paige Brogan | Principal CalAIM | Blue Shield | Health Plans in the Next 5 Years
Danielle Brooks | Director, Health Equity | AmeriHealth Caritas | Addressing Health Equity: What Works in Urban and Rural Markets
Jane Brown | Vice President, Medicaid Strategic Support and Oversight | Aetna | Strategies for Health Plan CEOs in an Evolving Healthcare Landscape
John Bulger | Chief Medical Officer | Geisinger Health Plan | Innovative Strategies for Health Plan Executives: Pioneering a New Era in Healthcare
Jon Burow | Vice President, Customer Experience and Digital Transformation | Independent Health | Beyond Compliance: What's Next for Transparency & Member Engagement
George W. Bush | 43rd President of the United States | (not set) | Keynote Interview - Former President George W. Bush
Neel Butala | Assistant Professor | University of Colorado School of Medicine | Health Plan Innovation Curve: How to Stay Ahead
Jennifer Callahan | President and Chief Operating Officer | Atrio Health Plans | Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing for Health Plans
Damanjeet Chaubey | Vice President, Clinical Affairs | Clover Health | Behavioral Health Integration: Opportunities and Challenges for Health Plans Innovative Strategies for Health Plan Executives: Pioneering a New Era in Healthcare
Manu Chaudhry | President | Capitol Dental Care | Health Plan Innovation Curve: How to Stay Ahead
Henriette Coetzer | Chief Medical Officer | Blue Health Intelligence | Where Chronic Care Management is Headed in a Value-based World
Yvonne Collins | Chief Medical Officer | CountyCare | Transforming Chronic Care: A Value-based Approach for Health and Well-being
Ceci Connolly | President and Chief Executive Officer | Alliance of Community Health Plans | The CEO's Guide to Navigating Disruption and Rethinking Business Models
Onyinyechi Daniel | Vice President, Data and Analytics Strategy | Highmark Health | Data Analytics for Health Plans: Leveraging Insights to Drive Growth AI and Big Data in Health Plans: Smart Strategies for the Future
Ramin Davidoff | Co-Chief Executive Officer | The Permanente Federation | Where Chronic Care Management is Headed in a Value-based World
Brett Davis | Health Solutions Manager, U.S. Government Health Care Consulting | SAS | AI and Big Data in Health Plans: Smart Strategies for the Future
Mac Davis | Vice President, Clinical Operations | Evernorth | Data Analytics for Health Plans: Leveraging Insights to Drive Growth
Rushil Desai | Chief Executive Officer | Aetna Better Health of Illinois | CEO Focus: Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Healthcare
Todd Deyoung | Associate Vice President, Specialty Value-Based Clinical Programs | Humana | Designing Effective Value-Based Payment Models for Health Plans
Michael Eichsteadt | Executive Director, Data Insight and Analytics | BCBS Illinois | Data Analytics for Health Plans: Leveraging Insights to Drive Growth The Future of Value-based Care: Health Plan-Provider Data Sharing and More
Jason Feuerman | President and Chief Executive Officer | LTC ACO, LLC | The Future of Value-based Care: Health Plan-Provider Data Sharing and More
Paige Franklin | Chief Executive Officer | Aetna Better Health of Kentucky | Addressing Health Equity: What Works in Urban and Rural Markets
Gen Gillespie | Co-Founder | Belong Health | CEO Focus: Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Healthcare
Emily Griese | Chief Operations and Population Health Officer | Sanford Health Plan | Population Health in the Next 5 Years: Where Health Plans Are Headed Strategies for Health Plan CEOs in an Evolving Healthcare Landscape
Tom Grote | Chief Executive Officer | Banner|Aetna | The CEO's Guide to Navigating Disruption and Rethinking Business Models
Robert Groves | Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer | Banner|Aetna | Where Chronic Care Management is Headed in a Value-based World AI and Big Data in Health Plans: Smart Strategies for the Future
Allison Hofmann | Vice President, Health Systems | Cigna | Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience - Track A
Jessica Hohman | President | Cleveland Clinic Accountable Care Organization | Healthcare Comes Home: What's Next for In-home Care Solutions
Jenna Horner | Director, Medicare Advantage Product | Cigna | Innovative Strategies for Health Plan Executives: Pioneering a New Era in Healthcare Regulatory and Policy Issues for Health Plan Executives
Michael Hunn | Chief Executive Officer | CalOptima Health | Strategies for Health Plan CEOs in an Evolving Healthcare Landscape The CEO's Guide to Navigating Disruption and Rethinking Business Models
Angela Jenkins | Vice President, Accountable Communities | Prisma Health | Addressing Health Equity: What Works in Urban and Rural Markets
Jasmin Johnson | Chief of Staff to the Chief Corporate Development Officer | SCAN Health Plan | Keeping up with Medicare Advantage Policies and Regulations
Sheri Johnson | Vice President, Member Enrollment and Billing | UCare | Health Plans in the Next 5 Years
Jeremy Keim | Vice President, Commercial | Brightside Health | The Growing Need for Virtual Psychiatric Urgent Care: Enabling Optimal Patient Outcomes through Payer-Provider Partnerships
Nancy Klotz | Chief Medical Officer | Brighton Health Plan Solutions | Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing for Health Plans
Bernie Kuhn | Chief Financial Officer, Population Health & Community Health | Bon Secours Mercy Health | Population Health in the Next 5 Years: Where Health Plans Are Headed
Steve Levin | Chief Executive Officer | Quest Analytics | Innovative Strategies for Health Plan Executives: Pioneering a New Era in Healthcare
Angela Lynn | Payer Leader | (not set) | Walking the Talk in Health Equity: Where Payers are Driving Results
Katie Manetta | Director, Affordability and Program Development | Excellus BCBS | Healthcare Comes Home: What's Next for In-home Care Solutions
Wendy Martinez Farmer | Regional Vice President, Crisis Center of Excellence | Elevance/Carelon Behavioral Health | The Growing Need for Virtual Psychiatric Urgent Care: Enabling Optimal Patient Outcomes through Payer-Provider Partnerships
Stacy Mays | Vice President, Strategic Business Development | Gillette Children’s | Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing for Health Plans
Peter McCauley | Medical Officer | Cigna Healthcare | Navigating the Future of Healthcare: Trends and Challenges for Health Plan Executives
Darin McDonald | Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer | UCare | Health Plan Innovation Curve: How to Stay Ahead
Beth Monsrud | Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer | UCare | Data Analytics for Health Plans: Leveraging Insights to Drive Growth
Adam Myers | Former Chief Clinical Transformation Officer | Blue Cross Blue Shield Association | Keeping up with Medicare Advantage Policies and Regulations
Ganesh Nathella | Senior Vice President | Persistent Systems Inc. | Strategies for Health Plan CEOs in an Evolving Healthcare Landscape
Andrew Naugle | Principal and Healthcare Management Consultant | Milliman MedInsight | Navigating the Future of Healthcare: Trends and Challenges for Health Plan Executives
Douglas Nemecek | Chief Medical Officer, Behavioral Health | Evernorth Health Services | The Growing Need for Virtual Psychiatric Urgent Care: Enabling Optimal Patient Outcomes through Payer-Provider Partnerships
Payam Parvinchiha | Interim Chief Medical Officer | SCAN Health Plan | Transforming Chronic Care: A Value-based Approach for Health and Well-being
Yasin S. Patel | President and Chief Executive Officer | MHN ACO | Medicaid Redeterminations One Year Later: The Impact and What's Next
Ria Paul | Clinical Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine; Chief Medical Officer | Santa Clara Family Health Plan | Where Chronic Care Management is Headed in a Value-based World
Deborah Peterson | Vice President of Digital Strategy, Experience and Delivery | Excellus BCBS | Beyond Compliance: What's Next for Transparency & Member Engagement
Michael Peterson | Vice President, Developer and Employee Experience | Blue Shield of California | Successful AI Strategy Planning for Health Plans
Josh Poretz | Chief Executive Officer | J2 Health | Data Analytics for Health Plans: Leveraging Insights to Drive Growth
Gary Proctor | Regional Chief Medical Officer | Carelon Behavioral Health | AI and Big Data in Health Plans: Smart Strategies for the Future
Pleasant Radford | Health Equity Officer | UCare | Medicaid Redeterminations One Year Later: The Impact and What's Next
Krystal Revai | Associate Chief Medical Officer | Health Alliance Medical Plans | Health Plans in the Next 5 Years The Future of Telehealth, Virtual Care for Health Plans
Sam Robinson | Chief Health Plan Officer, US Health and Life Sciences | Microsoft | Successful AI Strategy Planning for Health Plans
Bruce Rogen | Chief Medical Officer, Cleveland Clinic Employee Health Plan; Chair | Cleveland Clinic Quality Alliance | Transforming Chronic Care: A Value-based Approach for Health and Well-being
Raven Ryan Solon | Chief Compliance and Regulatory Officer | MetroPlusHealth | Regulatory and Policy Issues for Health Plan Executives
Martha Stewart | Founder | Martha Stewart Living | Keynote Interview - Martha Stewart, Founder, Martha Stewart Living
Don Stiffler | Chief Revenue and Growth Officer | Commonwealth Care Alliance | CEO Focus: Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Healthcare
Dan Sweeney | SVP, Healthcare Practice | Relay Network | Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience - Track A
Michael Todaro | Chief Operating Officer | Magnolia Health | Regulatory and Policy Issues for Health Plan Executives
Paul Torrey | Healthcare Industry Leader, Americas | UiPath | The CEO's Guide to Navigating Disruption and Rethinking Business Models
Stephanie Toth-Manikowski | National Medical Director | Healthmap Solutions | Proven Strategies for Health Plans: Improving Kidney Population Health Management
Natasha Van Wright | Senior Vice President, Clinical Operations | Belong Health | Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience - Track A
Joe Vattamattam | Founder and President | Healthmap Solutions | Proven Strategies for Health Plans: Improving Kidney Population Health Management
Johanna Vidal-Phelan | Chief Medical Officer, Quality and Pediatrics | UPMC Health Plan | Navigating the Future of Healthcare: Trends and Challenges for Health Plan Executives
Cathy VonRueden | Vice President, Provider Relations and Contracting | UCare | The Future of Value-based Care: Health Plan-Provider Data Sharing and More
Chris Wasel | President, Marketing & Strategic Partnerships | Vantage Healthcare | The Future of Telehealth, Virtual Care for Health Plans
Michael Weber | Vice President, Sales and Retention | Dean Health Plan by Medica | Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience Innovations in Health Insurance: Transforming the Customer Experience - Track A
Frank Webster | Chief Medical Officer, Behavioral Health | Health Care Service Corporation | Behavioral Health Integration: Opportunities and Challenges for Health Plans
Karena Weikel | Senior Vice President and Chief Actuary | Priority Health | Designing Effective Value-Based Payment Models for Health Plans
David Wennberg | Strategic Advisor | Blue Health Intelligence | The Future of Value-based Care: Health Plan-Provider Data Sharing and More
Darren Wethers | Chief Medical Officer | ATRIO Health Plans | AI and Big Data in Health Plans: Smart Strategies for the Future
Debbie Zimmerman | Corporate Chief Medical Officer | Lumeris and Essence Healthcare | Walking the Talk in Health Equity: Where Payers are Driving Results