The Strategic Partnerships Orthopedic Practices Need Next
Date & Time
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 10:15 AM - 10:55 AM
AJ Mencias, MD, President, South Bend Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine; Orthopedic Surgeon, Allied Physicians Surgery Center; Partner and Board Member, OrthoAlliance, Allied Physicians Surgery Center
Mihir Patel, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine
Mick Perez-Cruet, MD, MS, Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine; President and Founder, Michigan Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical Institute
Bus Tarbox, MD, MBA, President, Columbia Orthopaedic Group
Mihir Patel, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine
Mick Perez-Cruet, MD, MS, Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine; President and Founder, Michigan Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical Institute
Bus Tarbox, MD, MBA, President, Columbia Orthopaedic Group

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