Balancing Strategies: Growing Orthopedic Market Share in the ASC and Hospital
Date & Time
Friday, June 21, 2024, 8:45 AM - 9:25 AM
Jon Schmidt, Vice President, Operations, Rothman Orthopaedics of Florida
Daryl C. Osbahr, MD, FAAOS, FAOA, Managing Partner and Chief, Orthopaedic Surgery, Rothman Orthopaedics Florida; Chairman and Executive Medical Director, AdventHealth Orthopedic Institute
Daryl C. Osbahr, MD, FAAOS, FAOA, Managing Partner and Chief, Orthopaedic Surgery, Rothman Orthopaedics Florida; Chairman and Executive Medical Director, AdventHealth Orthopedic Institute

Location Name
St. Gallen 3
Session Type