Transforming Perioperative Performance: Uniting AI, Automation, and Change Management and Delivering a $40m ROI
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Sanjeev Agrawal, MS Brian Dawson

The operating room’s (OR’s) economic significance stems from the fact that a single minute can be worth over $100, and a block of time up to $50,000. Maximizing OR efficiency and optimization are therefore vital to maintain the financial stability of healthcare systems.

Unfortunately, efforts to resolve complex operational challenges fail or aren't sustainable, particularly given today’s complex healthcare environment. This is often due to an insufficient combination of the right technology (AI tools and automation), the right processes and the change management expertise required to create lasting impact.

Join us to see how through their partnership with LeanTaaS, CommonSpirit transformed their surgical operations. Discover the transformative potential of integrating AI, talented experts, and strategic insights in perioperative operations and how this dynamic combination empowers complex organizations to achieve results such as:

  • Greater than 16x in ROI
  • Drive 9% increase in Staff Room Utilization
  • 153% increase in blocks released
  • Enhance patient, staff, and surgeon satisfaction
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