Mohan Giridharadas
Mohan Giridharadas
Founder and CEO
Aaron Miri, Mba, Fchime, Fhimss, Chcio
Aaron Miri, Mba, Fchime, Fhimss, Chcio
Senior Vice President, Chief Digital and Information Officer
Baptist Health
Nathaen Weitzel, MD
Nathaen Weitzel, MD
Associate Chief Medical Officer, Perioperative Services; Vice Chair of Clinical Operations and Quality, Anesthesiology
University of Colorado Hospital
Darlene Tad-y
Darlene Tad-y
Associate Chief Medical Office for Patient Flow at the University of Colorado Hospital Medical Director, Capacity Management and Patient Flow
UC Health
Cheri Cartwright, MSN, RN
Cheri Cartwright, MSN, RN
System Vice President of Surgical Services
Lee Health
Matthew Shields
Matthew Shields
Director of Hospital Operations
Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center
Huralain Lakku
Huralain Lakku
Manager of Hospital Operations
Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center
Jamie Nordhagen
Jamie Nordhagen
Senior Director of Patient Flow and Capacity Management
UC health
Susan Grimwood
Susan Grimwood
Executive Director, Logistics, Capacity and Patient Throughput
Sarasota Memorial Health Care System
Kathy LeFrancois, RN, BSN
Kathy LeFrancois, RN, BSN
Director, Patient Flow and Nursing Resources
Sarasota Memorial Health Care System - Venice Campus
Jason Szczuka
Jason Szczuka
Chief Digital Officer
Bon Secours Mercy Health
Steven Hanks
Steven Hanks
President and CEO
Trinity Health New York, St. Peter’s Health Partners, and St. Joseph’s Health
Scott Becker
Scott Becker
Founder, Becker's Healthcare; Partner, McGuire Woods LLC
Becker's Healthcare
Sanjeev Agrawal, MS
Sanjeev Agrawal, MS
President and COO
Pallabi Sanyal-Dey, MD, FHM
Pallabi Sanyal-Dey, MD, FHM
Director of Clinical Operations, iQueue for Inpatient Flow

More speakers coming soon!